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Columns, Opinions & Misc.

Chicadees all over; But where is the sunshine

Hello friends and welcome to February. I know that it is winter, but doesn’t it seem we’ve had a significant amount of overcast days and...

Houghton Lake, cameras and fishing

Don’t you wonder whether people actually care about their fellow man in this day and age? And, when given the opportunity, do we still...

Everything today is complicated!

As I was enjoying a well-deserved nap in my "Comfy Chair." I was thinking about my younger days and how simple things were back...

From the Comfy Chair: Fido food!

It was Saturday, mid-morning, and I was just about to settle into my "Comfy Chair" for a much-deserved nap, and my daughter called. I...

Kitty got skunked!

It was 10:00 pm, I was taking a nap in my “Comfy Chair” when I heard sound off in the distance, it seemed to...

The Laughing Buck, The Hand of God

The Hand of God Little Bobby was spending the weekend with his grandmother after a particularly trying week in kindergarten. His grandmother decided to take...

Composting worms and words

Dewey Decker showed his new business cards to the other guys at the Mule Barn Truck Stop’s philosophy counter, and each member of the...

‘Gangsters up north’ is now available

NORTHERN MICHIGAN - Northern Michigan has for decades drawn millions each year to its beautiful lakes and rivers. Gangsters Up North adds a new and exciting dimension...

View from the Comfy Chair; Trip to the local cider mill.

“View From The Comfy Chair“  “Trip To The Local Cider Mill!“ Fall is one of my four favorite seasons. Fall not only offers some of...

Composting worms and words

    Dewey Decker showed his new business cards to the other guys at the Mule Barn Truck Stop’s philosophy counter, and each member of...
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