Hart Ford

Lady Bobcats soccer off to fast 2-1-1 start

By Greg Gielczyk HOUGHTON LAKE -- Following a 1-0 victory over Crossroads Charter Academy in Big Rapids earlier in the week to open the Northern...

Excellent turnout for Grayling business expo

GRAYLING - More than 700 people turned out for the annual Grayling Regional Chamber of Commerce Business Expo at the Ramada Inn in Grayling...

Bobcats baseball rebounding, drops doubleheader

By Greg Gielczyk COLEMAN -- Considering it was their first day outside Houghton Lake Bobcats first-year baseball coach Charles Hockey felt encouraged by what he...

Nunc scelerisque nisl massa

Nunc scelerisque nisl massa, sit amet porta justo aliquam et. In vel nunc et neque dignissim ornare. Mauris a est maximus, pharetra lectus a,...

In et euismod lacus

Duis vestibulum, erat vel dapibus sodales, nunc elit fringilla felis, eget consequat nisi augue in nunc. In et euismod lacus. Suspendisse porta pretium diam,...

Getting sappy for wildlife

ST HELEN - The Association to Rescue Kritters (ARK) is holding its Annual Maple Syrup Fundraiser to benefit rescued wildlife. The sweet treat is produced...

Gerald ‘Jerry’ Lee Bishop of Roscommon

Gerald 'Jerry' Lee Bishop, 73, of Roscommon, died April 20 at home. He was born May 7, 1942 in Bay City to the late Harold...

‘Flood’ of people attend weather spotter class

CRAWFORD COUNTY – It took just over an hour for more than 35 people to learn about weather patterns, identifying clouds and knowing the...

Dorothy Elaine Dippre of Roscommon

Dorothy Elaine Dippre, 82, of Roscommon passed away April 25, 2016 at King Nursing and Rehabilitation Community. She was born June 18, 1933 in Detroit...

Donec lacinia quis elit vel cursus

Suspendisse commodo bibendum ligula malesuada varius. Donec lacinia quis elit vel cursus. Integer turpis urna, finibus eget tellus eget, luctus molestie urna. In a...
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