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Protect our feathered friends

Hello my friends and welcome to November. Yes, the greatest of the twelve months. Great in that my birthday lies within and also my wedding anniversary, the Marine Corps Birthday, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and that two weeklong holiday known as Deer Season.

I have seen a report or two on the upcoming deer season and the predictions are that the harvest will be down. I am not sure why, but it does seem that there are fewer hunters than in the past. I know that I no longer hunt, I don’t even kill the chipmunks that keep arriving I have begun relocating them a few miles away. I do, however, wish all hunters a great season and wish you safe hunting. I have seen several nice bucks this summer and one is in my yard often.

My feathered friends are here visiting regularly. One of my favorites right now is the Red Bellied Woodpecker that has been very vocal. He flies in just yelling at the Hairy Woodpeckers to get away from his suet.

I have read some reports from Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and they are saying that we can expect a pretty good migration of Cross Bills this year due to a lower pinecone production in Canada. Pine Siskins, Redpolls, and Purple Finches as well.

I have three young hen turkey visiting the cafe on my front porch. They sure do get jealous of the doves and blue Jays in the yard chasing them away rather violently.

Another report that I have read recently is not nearly so uplifting. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has decided to delist ten species of birds from the endangered species list, moving them to the extinction list. It saddens me that one in eight species of bird are threatened with extinction.

Mostly due to habitat loss because we think that we need to clear away everything to make room for a house or business building. God made us the caretakers of the world and we sure have not been doing well in my opinion.

I was blessed again this year when several friends came together to help split and stack my winters supply of firewood. Many thanks my friends. When the average life has around 72,000 days it is humbling when someone uses a day for others. 72,000 seems like a lot to some people but when you take away the workdays not many are left for fun so to give one to another is an awesome gift.

I do love Thanksgiving Day, we have so much to be thankful for in this great country of ours and on top of that we get to live in Michigan too.

Well, that’s all for this month my friends. I wish you all a safe and happy deer season. Please remember to help keep our woods and waters clean.

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