Outdoors Oak Wilt, Gypsy Moths and other invasives to be addressed at conservation...

Oak Wilt, Gypsy Moths and other invasives to be addressed at conservation meeting

Oak Wilt is killing healthy trees across the country.

ROSCOMMON – The Crawford-Roscommon Conservation District is hosting a workshop April 11 to explain the effects of Oak Wilt and other invasive species.

The event will be held in Room 151 at the CRAF Center, located at 606 Lake Street in Roscommon.

Oak wilt and forest invasive pests have the potential to disrupt natural forest ecosystem processes and affect timber values. This workshop will begin with an overview of oak wilt, including how it spreads and how you can best prevent the pathogen from affecting the oaks on your property.

The second half of the workshop will focus on how to identify three potential devastating forest pests and the symptoms they cause in their host trees. You will also learn how you can get involved in the early detection and rapid response team to help ensure these pests do not have the opportunity to establish populations in our native forest ecosystems.

This workshop is presented in partnership by Diane Bomer, Forestry Assistance Program forester for the Otsego and Crawford-Roscommon Conservation Districts? and Julie Crick, MSU Extension Natural Resources Educator in Roscommon.

There is a $5 cost for the workshop. Please register to attend by contacting Diane Bomer at diane.bomer@macd.org or by calling 989-732-4021.

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