Features Iosco Features The Hale Science Fair

The Hale Science Fair

Harper Reilly demonstrates her homemade lava lamps.

By Leah Sunseri, student

Everybody has memories of their schools’ science fair. This March, kids and teenagers are making new memories with Hale’s Science Fair. From cell phone radiation to bottle guns, Ms. Dowd and Mrs. Ready have seen plenty of projects over the years.

The science fair was held on March 14. Science fairs aren’t good for just students, exciting projects like vinegar and baking soda explosions are for everybody. As Bill Nye once said, “science rules!” Ms. Dowd, who put on the science fair, describes it as, “A smashing success.” Her favorite part was seeing students work with their interests and explore new topics. She also enjoyed seeing all of the participation, and watching the community coming together at the Science Fair.

Hale science fair
Mason with his project about dinosaur extinction.

The enthusiasm of students excited Mrs. Dowd. She talks about a little boy who did a solar powered car project, which he was very proud of. Mrs. Dowd has been teaching for 24 years and has a burning passion for science and teaching students about science. She introduces new concepts in an understandable way, talking through theories and answering any questions that students have. She enjoys learning about new topics from the science fair, and you will too!

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