Features Iosco Features Introducing Mr. Daub

Introducing Mr. Daub

Mr. Daub

By Larkin Spaw, student

HALE – Did you know Hale Schools was getting a new math teacher? I bet you didn’t know he lived in Florida for the past 16 years, did you? December 5, 2022 was the new math teacher’s, Mr. Daub, first day. Mr. Daub is originally from Michigan but has lived in Florida for the past 16 years. He came back to Michigan because it’s home just like why he became a teacher here, it’s home and Hale is a place to make a difference. He became a teacher because he always wanted to but he didn’t think he would have the patience to be one. He chose math to be his teaching career because he likes it. He enjoys teaching it and giving students different techniques for them to understand. The toughest part about being a math teacher he said was “a difficult lesson in a way everyone can understand”. I asked Mr. Daub, “If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?” and he said, “In math we can approve everything we say if someone tells you something you need proof of what they said to believe them”. The final question I asked him was, “If you could switch with a teacher for a day and teach something else other than math, what would it be?” He said history because he majored in history and loves history.  Hale Schools extends a warm welcome to Mr. Daub.

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