Outdoors Adopt a Great Lakes beach; Pick up a piece of plastic

Adopt a Great Lakes beach; Pick up a piece of plastic

Alliance for the Great Lakes

NORTERN MICHIGAN – Hundreds of thousands of pieces of litter end up on Great Lakes shorelines each year. More than 85 percent is plastic.

But thanks to Adopt a Beach volunteers, more of our shorelines are being kept healthier, safer, and beautiful.

Adopt-a-Beach cleanups are a fun, easy way to give back to your community and keep plastic pollution out of our Great Lakes.

Every year, thousands of Adopt-a-Beach volunteers pitch in to keep our beaches clean. They pick up litter and record what they find. Their data shows litter patterns, raises awareness about plastic pollution, and helps pass policies to reduce plastic pollution and litter. Their work makes an impact for years to come.

Dozens of Earth Day cleanups are happening this weekend. And April 26-28 is our first big event: Adopt-a-Beach Spring Kickoff! If you want to volunteer, just visit the Adopt-a-Beach website to find a cleanup near you. If you can’t make it, join a cleanup anytime — or lead one of your own.

You can bring yourself or come with a friend. Community groups, schools, businesses; everyone is welcome. You can make a difference and have a lot of fun doing it!

To find a cleanup site near you visit CLEANUP.

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