ROSCOMMON – The Spruce Motel and Recom was heavily damaged in an early morning fire today.
According to the statement from Roscommon County Emergency Management, Central Dispatch received the call about 1:57 a.m.
reporting smoke in the building, located at 900 Lake Street.
Higgins Township Fire and EMS Department and Roscommon County Sheriff Office responded and evacuated all residents.
Crews found the three-story building filled with smoke, and the kitchen and lower floor engulfed in flames.
The structure sustained heavy fire damage. Damage estimates are unknown currently and the cause remains unknown. Fire crews remain on scene at this time.
Higgins was assisted by South Branch Fire Department, Gerrish Township Fire Department, Richfield Township Fire Department, Grayling Fire Department, Markey Fire Department, Lake Township Fire Department, and Denton Township Fire Department, as well as S&J Excavating.
Roscommon County Emergency Management has coordinated with the Roscommon County Sheriff’s Office Victim Service Unit who assisted in finding temporary lodging for displaced residents, as well as the American Red Cross, who works to provide Case Management Support.
Roscommon County is housing eight individuals and two cats at the Super 8 in Houghton Lake.
Roscommon County Veteran’s Affairs
Office has also been notified and is working to provide support to potential veterans in need of assistance as a result of this incident.
Emergency Management Coordinator Vanessa Varner recognized Family Fare of Roscommon and the American Red Cross for canteen support for area firefighters.
“This has been a collaborative effort on many fronts and will continue to be, as we work to recover from this incident,” she said
“Fire safety is important for all of us. Please remember to make sure you have working smoke alarms in your home, whether it be a single-family dwelling or apartment. Have an escape plan, practice it, and be prepared to
use it in the event of a fire.”
Anyone interested in making donations to assist in meeting the needs of the displaced residents of the Spruce Motor Lodge can do so by calling the Roscommon County Sheriff’s Office Victim Services Unit at 517-256-6229.