ROSCOMMON– Residents of the Spruce Motor Lodge, located at 900 Lake St. Roscommon, were awakened at around 1:57 a.m. on December 16 to the building filled with smoke.
According to residents and firefighters, in addition to dense smoke, the kitchen and lower floor of the three-story building were engulfed in flames when firefighters arrived.
One man was awakened by debris falling on him while he slept. The eight residents and two cats escaped safely with no injuries however, all belongings were lost in the fire. Several escaped without shoes.
The Victim Service Unit was called to the scene to assist those displaced. VSU provided blankets to several who were warming in the Higgins Rescue unit. An immediate concern was to get those displaced into safe and warm lodging. Emergency management Director, Vanessa Varner, along with VSU members transported and led those displaced to the Super 8 Motel in Houghton Lake for temporary lodging. That location then became the hub where assessments as to the needs of the individuals were determined.
The Roscommon St. Vincent DePaul, though closed on Monday, opened their doors for some of the victims and VSU members to get needed clothing, shoes, and coats for the victims. St. Vincent DePaul donated all the items.
Jann Lehman, VSU Director and VSU member, Nancy Smitz worked with the victims for most of that week, to access needed prescriptions, DD214’s for the three Veterans, personal IDs, as well as more long-term housing. Other VSU personnel also assisted. The American Red Cross also aided firefighters and displaced residents.
Eight fire departments, including Higgins, Gerrish, Lake, Grayling, Markey, Denton, Richfield, and South Branch were on scene, along with the Roscommon County Sheriff’s Department.

According to a press release by the Roscommon Emergency Management the building is a total loss.
The Spruce Motor Lodge is believed to have been the oldest building in the village of Roscommon, having reportedly been built in the early 1870s. Originally known as the Pioneer House, it served as a boarding house for lumbermen.
In the early 20th century, the hotel served visitors from Hollywood, CA, and Cuba in addition to statewide travelers. Many people of note stayed there, including Groucho Marx in 1933.
Donations to assist those displaced may be done by calling the Victim Service Unit Director, Jann Lehman at 517-256-6229 or dropping them at the Roscommon County Sheriff’s office.