Features Oscoda Features ‘Dragon Slayer’ comes to Mio

‘Dragon Slayer’ comes to Mio

Chief Kevin Marino of the Tri-Town Fire Department (TTFD) in front of the "Dragon Slayer" Fire Engine that was donated by Dearborn Height Fire Department (DHFD).

OSCODA COUNTY- On September 12, the Tri-Town Fire Department (TTFD) in Mio graciously received a decommissioned fire truck donated from the Dearborn Heights Fire Department (DHFD).

TTFD Captain Brian Sukarukoff received word from his son Matt (that works for the DHFD) about a fire truck they were retiring. TTFD Fire Chief Kevin Marino wrote a letter to the DHFD stating their need for a fire truck, due to his department being down multiple engines. Within a couple of months their request was approved and TTFD was granted a 1994 class A Pierce Pumper, nicknamed the “Dragon Slayer” by DHFD late fire chief Jim Langlois. 

This engine will be the primary rescue vehicle used for structure and vehicle fires and will be outfitted with Jaws of Life and water rescue gear. Chief Marino states, “This truck will be a great addition to our fleet.” 

Tri-Town serves parts of three townships within Oscoda County including Big Creek, Mentor, and Elmer. Kevin Marino took over as fire chief in early April of this year. He came to the department with over 22 years of experience working for the federal government fighting fires. In addition to securing the ‘Dragon Slayer”, he has been diligently writing grants to aid in funding for new fire equipment, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, and teaching about fire prevention. Marino states “A main goal of mine is to increase the fire departments community involvement.” 

In a county surrounded by National Forest, it is crucial to have the right equipment and a dedicated Chief like Marino.

To stay up to date on what’s happening at Tri-Town check out their Facebook page: Tri-Town FIRE Department.  

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