Features Iosco Features Elementary Reading Assembly

Elementary Reading Assembly

By: Reese Spaw (student)

HALE– On March 6, the PTO held a reading assembly for the elementary kids. All of the kids had a great time and loved the assembly. 

Guy Sferlazza sang songs to k-5th graders about reading. He played different kinds of guitars while he sang, and the kids danced. He also did a puppet show talking about different types of books there are to read. Guy Sferlazza let some of the kids play his instruments as he sang to the kids. 

Emerick Culton, a student who participated in the assembly said, “I loved the assembly and I would be happy if they came back. If they came back next year, I would like there to be more reading songs. “ 

Symphony Wojtkowiak, another student that participated in the assembly said, “I also loved the assembly and I would be happy if they came back and if they came back next year I would want more things that we can participate in.”

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