Features Iosco Features Hale celebrates Snowcoming Week

Hale celebrates Snowcoming Week

The 2023 Snowcoming King Kenny Carpenter and Queen Kaitlyn Hollis!
hale snowcoming court
The 2023 Snowcoming King Kenny Carpenter and Queen Kaitlyn Hollis!

By Erica Bernard, Student

The Snowcoming week, held from January 30-February 4, was full of many fun festivities!  From Macho volleyball to the Valentine’s dance, the week was filled with stuff to do.

The theme this year was Broadway. The freshman class chose The Lion King, the sophomores chose Shrek, the juniors chose Grease, and the senior class chose Aladdin. During the week, the dress-up days included Fashion Disaster, Twin Tuesday, Look-back Wednesday, Theme Day, and Blue and White day on Friday. It was exciting to see everyone dress up and get creative with their outfits!  The junior class in the end won the spirit week dress-up competition.

Instead of decorating shopping carts this year, we chose to decorate hallways. This decoration was very creative.  Each hallway was transformed into a magical experience to walk through.  Each hallway was truly its own special thing.  The senior class won the hallway decoration contest.

As in years past, we had a competitive Macho volleyball game. This year we unfortunately had three teams instead of four due to a lack of participation from the younger classes.  However, the freshman and sophomore class combined to make one good team.  While they did take the loss in the end, both the junior, and freshman/sophomore team put up a good fight with seniors coming out with the victory.

The senior class participating in the tug-of-war competition

On the matter of the Snowcoming basketball game, the Varsity team took the win.  While unfortunately the JV team took a loss, they put up a good fight against Fairview.

The boys were pepped up by the pep assembly held before the game. During the pep assembly there were many games, skits, and laughs!  This was exactly what was needed to raise school spirit and help pep up our boys to go take the win against Fairview.

At the game, our representatives were honored. This year our freshman representatives were Wyatt Irwin and Tristianna Wade. The sophomore representative was Laicey Walsh.  The junior representatives were Zander Johnson and Emily Bain. The senior boy representatives were Kyle Losinski, Kenneth Carpenter, and Preston Bassi.  The lone senior girl representative was Kaitlyn Hollis. Crowned King and Queen was Kenneth Carpenter and Kaitlyn Hollis.

The Junior class dressed up for theme day!

On Saturday, the student council put on the dance for students to attend.  The dance was also decorated based on the theme, Broadway.  The dance was attended by the 9-12 grade students.  The dance was fun for all who attended, and one for the books!  Overall, the week was very successful, and fun for everyone!

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