Features ‘One more mile’ walked in St. Helen

‘One more mile’ walked in St. Helen

Jim Troost (center) has dedicated his life to serving veterans. He has volunteered for 27 years with the American Legion and the last 25 years as a member of the Grand Rapids home for veterans.

ST. HELEN – This event is a 22 Mile Walk, Bike or Roll Event. It is being hosted in partnership with One More Mile and A Veteran Helping Veteran, Inc. Proceeds of this event will benefit the St. Helen Veteran Memorial Fund.

The number 22 is significant. The Veterans Affairs Administration reports that between 1999 and 2010, 22 veterans a day committed suicide. That’s one every 65 minutes. That’s why you see the 22 being used to promote awareness. By doing this event we are hoping to raise suicide awareness and drive health change in mental health services.

This 22-mile course will consist of gravel shoulders of roadways and include over half the course on rural gravel road going all the way around Lake St. Helen. There will be multiple Pit Stops / Aid Stations along the course and safety shuttle drivers. Bikes are welcome on this course as well. There is an option to walk on the high school track and pick your distance if you do not want to do the full 22 miles.

Runners and walkers lined up for a photo prior to the state of the “One more mile” walk.


Someone asked me why I wanted to have this Veteran’s Suicide Awareness Walk. I was caught off guard a bit and gave a simple, “it’s a worthy cause that needs attention.” Later, I got to thinking about it and I needed a better answer for myself. I needed to know why and so do you. 

I realized there were multiple reasons I created this event and why I feel it’s important. I’m a veteran myself, when I turned 18, I joined the Marine Corps. I did it for some practical reasons, but I also did it for love of country and love of my fellow citizens. I thought my country and my people were worthy of the sacrifice and the possibility of the ultimate sacrifice. I think most people who join the military have similar thoughts in varying degrees.

My cousin Bobby and I grew up very close. We grew up together like brothers. As boys would do, we played soldier and make-believe war in the fields and woods. And we were raised with a love of country.

            Bobby was a year younger than me. I joined the Marines in 1988 and he joined the Marines in 1989 after graduation. He dreamed of joining the military. Although it was never spoken, I suspect he followed me in partly due to looking up to me. But I do know that he loved his country and thought we were worthy of the sacrifice.

Bobby served for 12 years and was finally discharged. Life outside of that vision and structure didn’t set well for Bobby. He struggled in the darkness. On November 18, 2003 Bobby succumbed to that very darkness. Out of torment, he committed suicide leaving many unanswered questions and we will never know the answers.

Bobby and other specific veteran suicides have found a home in me. It would be accurate to say that veteran suicide is on my mind and heart, but to say I have the answers would be wishful thinking. I do know Bobby struggled in the darkness as so many veterans do, as so many of you are struggling today. Just know that you’re not alone. I’ve spent my share of time in the darkness, but fortunately I’ve been spared and now spend my time in the light. Not everyone is so fortunate.

So, here’s my best answer to the question, “why did I create this event.” Still over 20 veterans a day commit suicide. The very people that committed to protecting us, cannot protect themselves. That’s over 20 veterans a day that could not go One More Mile. They were overwhelmed and couldn’t go on.

So, on October 5th, 2019 I will walk that One More Mile for all 22 veterans. It’s the very least I can do. They lost the ultimate battle, so we must stand in their place. Join me on October 5th to Walk One More Mile for our struggling veterans. Even if you can only walk one mile, that represents a life. 

When our veterans can’t, we must go that One More Mile for them.

I’ll see you there

Frank Anthony

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