• Kudos to Roscommon and Grayling regarding the Shamrock and Canoe drops on New Year’s Eve. Clean and entertaining couple of hours to get out, hang out with your friends, and bring in the new year.
• The Northern Michigan Law enforcement community saw the retirement of long-time Oscoda County Sheriff Kevin Grace, and the passing of his brother, Tom Grace, career law enforcement official and teacher that leaves a legacy of new community leaders.
• Thank you to the teachers in Roscommon, Houghton Lake, St. Helen, Grayling, Mio, Fairview and Hale with their help putting together the Santa Letters this year. The section would not be possible without their assistance. We have some budding artists and writers in our area schools. We need to encourage them at every opportunity.
• I would like to thank the following people and organizations who assisted with the Santa Train this year.
Donna Thoma, Roscommon Rotary Club, Christmas in the Village committee, Village of Roscommon, Roscommon County United Way, Sue Jock, Roscommon Area Recreation Authority, Rosco’s Coney and the Roscommon County Sheriff Department.
Maze Stephan, Grayling Eagles Club, Grayling Professional Association (GPA), Loren Goodale, Crawford County Sheriff Department, Crawford County Cert Team, Crawford County Board of Commissioners and the Grayling Rotary Club.
It was a super event and a “good time was had by all.”