Eluding trouble

Daniel Paul

“The best way to avoid trouble is to make sure no one wants to trouble you.”
– Robert Jordan

Trouble affects all of us in one form or another and often arrives at unexpected times. For me, some days I feel like I’m 20,000 miles ahead of trouble, while on other days, I unfortunately borrow trouble.

It often arrives in unexpected times and in many forms: through our actions, reactions, encounters, and/or accidents. How we deal with trouble is another story, but let’s explore some options on how to avoid possible trouble.

  1. Interpersonal Relationships – Our ties with those around us, whether family, friends, co-workers, etc., can affect us both emotionally and physically. If any of these relationships are a major concern because of the trouble they inflict, then maybe it’s time to evaluate them and possibly distance oneself from them to possibly avoid further trouble.
  2. Bad Habits – Eliminating bad habits, such as inability to complete tasks, not telling the truth, not showing up on time, etc., will reduce the occurrences of trouble in one’s life, and help avoid those that emulate negative qualities.
  3. Places – Avoid places where some type of calamity occurs often. They may range from arguments to physical altercations, and treating people with a lack of respect.
  4. Identify – Identify the triggers ahead of time for possible situations where trouble could occur and disengage/walk away.

So, identification and perception of anticipated trouble is crucial in avoiding it. When this is accomplished, even on a small scale, this will reduce stress and anxiety, thus adding more serenity to your life. Thank God we have this ability.

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