Columns, Opinions & Misc. Oscoda County Senior News: February 2023

Oscoda County Senior News: February 2023

Hello February! It seems that winter can’t decide if it wants to stay or not. The back and forth, up, and down, temperatures have been different.

So many days without sunshine have not been great for wintertime blues. If there is any sunshine or even just daylight, try to get outside at least once a day even for just a few minutes. Take the dog out, check the mail, or just sit on the porch. If it is too cold or snowy for that then at least open the blinds or curtains and sit in front of the windows for a while.

Try to keep yourself busy with puzzles, small projects, or crafts, or play solitaire. Stay active, even indoors. If you can, connect with a family member or friend daily. Just a few minutes of conversation can make a difference in your mood.

It is also helpful to keep yourself warm enough in the house. Some of us like to dial down the heat because it saves money, but if we are cold, it can also add to our depression. So, if you’re dialing down, add a sweater and warm socks.

February is a short month but has a lot of happenings. Ground Hog Day, Lincoln’s birthday, Washington’s birthday, President’s Day, and the day February is most known for, Valentine’s Day.

Traditionally, Valentine’s Day is associated with couple love. I believe we should just treat it as a day of love for all! We can each try to do a loving act of kindness for someone else. A family member, friend, or even a stranger. A simple act of a homemade card, helping with a chore, holding a door open, or greeting a passerby with a big smile and a have a wonderful day comment. We can all make a difference just by making a small effort, and hopefully causing a ripple effect with our actions. Give it a try, spreading joy feels great!

The CSFP (senior cheese box) will be on Tues. Feb 14 from 10-11 a.m., and the Together We Can food drop will be on Thurs. Feb. 23 from 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Both food pick-ups happen at the Fairgrounds.

The council’s monthly board meeting is on Mon. Feb. 13 at 9:00 a.m. The public is welcome to attend. The Board will be discussing filling the two vacancies on the board at this month’s meeting.
Reminder: If the Mio or Fairview Schools are closed due to snow and road conditions, the Senior Center will be closed also.

full Moon, also called the Snow Moon, will be shining for us on the 5th. There is always at least one thing to be grateful for daily. Have a terrific month and keep smiling! When we smile at others it can cause them to smile too. The world sure needs more smiles, positivity, and kindness. A small kind gesture goes along way. We are all struggling with something.

Suzanne Barker is the Director of the Oscoda County Council on Aging.
To contact her please call 989 826-3025

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