Cough and cold

Joel Vernier

I was sitting in my comfy chair this afternoon, and it began. My nose started dripping a little. I grabbed a tissue and blew, thinking, Oh no, not the scourge of civilization, please not a cold, COVID, or flu. I might need to be tested. I need to take action: I plan to hit it early with everything, including the kitchen zinc! I yelled out to my wife, “Hey, please bring me the Zinc, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin D, Quercetin, the vaporizer, vapo-rub, inhaler, tea, aspirin, orange juice, the homeopathic cold pills, cough drops, and please make some chicken soup.”

What is it about chicken soup? Is it the antibiotics in the chicken feed? Some studies have shown that it works to help reduce cold symptoms and tastes great. Really, we can replace valves, organs, and technology can augment our senses better than the television show; The “Six-million-dollar man” ever dreamt of!
With all the incredible medical advances, why can we not cure a common cold?

When I went to bed that night, my room was covered in a menthol haze. There was so much menthol that only people in a Haz-Mat suit would enter. The battle was on; I was thinking positively that I would wake up and I would have beaten this thing. I found it challenging to get to sleep, especially when I had to sneeze, taking off my sleep apnea mask before the sneeze or it gets messy. I slept off and on, and then the alarm went off; I woke up, and my sinuses were in full-blown rage! It felt like someone had connected an air compressor to my ears and filled my sinuses with 100 pounds of air pressure. My throat felt like I was a fire eater at a carnival show.

My nose went from a slow drip to a Niagara Falls flow; I went through two tissue boxes in fifteen minutes. Then I began coughing and sweating, and I felt like a weak newborn calf. Call it what you will; it was a respiratory infection. I yelled out to my wife, “Bring me the home COVID TEST, Please.“ She brought me the test, and I was not positive for COVID! I felt some relief. Please call my friend Jeff and ask him what he takes for this crud.” She responded, “Jeff & Chris flew to Florida for the winter.” So that’s why they call it the cough, cold, and flew season. The snowbirds head south to stay healthy!

I know I will get better, but I just hate feeling like this.

“Remember, every day is a gift! Some are just a little more fun to open than others!” – Joel, Author of the Guinea Pig In The Freezer!
© Joel M. Vernier January 8, 2023

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