Columns, Opinions & Misc. My end of the year reflections

My end of the year reflections

Warren “Toad” Stutesman

Hello my friends, it has been a while since we have met here. I must apologize for my absence, I just let life get in the way.

Sleigh bells are fading into the past along with Christmas. The chimes of the New Year’s bells are still ringing in our ears, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year.

My wishes and prayers go out to each of you for a happy and prosperous year.

My first thoughts as always are my feathered friends which are visiting quite regularly this year. I don’t hand feed but the other day I was out filling the feeders and had a Chickadee land on my fingers. That was a nice experience.

I was blessed last year with the ability to add several tools to my workshop. This has made it so that I can now make gifts for my family that they may actually use. I do love being out in the shop puttering around and keeping busy.

A topic that bothers me is inconsiderate and careless drivers. I understand that we all make mistakes, but it is the driver that thinks only of themselves that is putting others in harm’s way.

I bring this up because recently I had a car go flying by me that could have caused a serious accident. This was on M-33 going north of Zimowske road.

A man driving a Silver Audi Quattro Q7 passed me going up the hill on the double yellow. Now I was going about 57 at the time, so was not impeding his progress. Apparently, he was important and had somewhere to be.

I would have left it alone except that when I got to Mio, I could see him turn a corner and I thought he was headed to the courthouse. When I got there, I asked him are you a judge or a lawyer and he stated that “yes”, he was a lawyer. I told him that he was no better than anyone else and needed to abide by the same rules we all follow. I ask you how can someone that breaks the laws represent or prosecute justly.

This past deer season was great for one hunter that I know. Opening day with a spike horn and later a very nice eight point. I cannot say huge because I don’t want his head getting as big as that rack. Then to top it off a doe to finish filling the freezer.

Lately, we have been seeing an increase in the amount of trash along the highways. Please do not throw your trash out of the window, every gas station and fast-food establishment has bins available for free. This is our world, let’s please try and keep it clean.

For you birders out there, a Southern Lapwing has been spending time in Oscoda at the old Wurtsmith Airport then moving to the AuSable River or to Cedar Lake. I have not been able to travel over to see it, but I hope that some of you did.

That is all for another month so, may God bless you and keep you safe until next we meet.

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