Columns, Opinions & Misc. Speaking up against perceived entitlement and privilege

Speaking up against perceived entitlement and privilege

Dear Editor:

The term “Karen” has been thrown around a lot lately but I believe some people are misusing it. I will speak up when others use their perceived entitlement and privilege so selfishly that it hampers or shuts down the rights of the rest of us. I’ll keep speaking up in the face of being called a “Karen.”

When people feel they are entitled and privileged to ride their ORVs anywhere they want (past or over signs banning them), with no regard for anyone else, they’ve taken our rights away to walk safely through the trails (of our residence) and relinquished pedestrians to the roads, with traffic. Then these trolls choose a scapegoat to lie about on social media to get support and their way.

People who park in handicapped areas, when they are not handicapped in the least, feel they are entitled and privileged. They are taking accessibility away from those who are disabled.

Those who park in no-parking zones at road end lake accesses, which had been hard-fought in court by residents to keep it open to the public, and refusing to move the car after being told why we need to follow the rules, are behaving as if they are entitled and privileged.

In all of these instances, I was called a “Karen” by those who behaved as entitled and privileged. These despicable people are using a term to try and turn the offensive around-gaslighting (a form of abuse). This low-brow manipulation will not work on all of us. This type of person will not bully me. I will continue to call the despicable people out!

Donna Russell

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