Columns, Opinions & Misc. A little facial fuzz

A little facial fuzz

Joel Vernier

I was deep into REM sleep, and as I slowly returned to my conscious state, I felt an itchy distress signal on my face. When waking from a deep sleep, I’m not sure where I am, what time, or even what year it is. That denotes a wonderful rest. 

I felt an itchy sensation on my face, and not being fully awake, I thought it was my beard. I sported full facial hair, neatly trimmed, all during college and a couple of years later while employed. 

I moved my hand to scratch my face and discovered that there was no beard but that my wool throw blanket worked its way up on my face and was irritating my skin. I was clean-shaven as I have been most of my life. 

The question occurred to me why do I shave? It is more natural to not shave and let your beard grow. It saves money not to shave and saves water, soap, and the energy to heat up the water. So, all-male environmentalists should not shave based on these benefits. Does that mean no leg shaving?

The market for men’s shaving products in the United States is 5.72 billion US Dollars (With inflation today, it might be 6.5). The Global razor market is 10.2 Billion. Gillette is the number one producer in the US.

There are a lot of different razors on the market. The straight razor, safety, double edge, cartridge, disposable, heated, and electric razor.
The two types of shaving are a wet shave razor and a dry shave electric. The most popular is Gillette’s SkinGuard. 

My Dad used a single blade that he would set in the open top and twist the handle to close it. It worked well, but he would have an occasional nick on his face and bleed. 

I started out on a Bic safety razor and used it for years. I decided to update my razor, so I use a cartridge type now for my primary shaving tool. I had used an electric shaver in the past, especially when I was away at business meetings for an evening shave before dinner. 

Men’s choice of shaving or not is personal. Some do not shave due to religious customs, and some like the various looks that facial hair allows them to customize. I will shave, even when time is tight in the morning, and I rush. When I hurry to get to church or an appointment, I often think, “That was a close shave!”

“Remember, every day is a gift! Some are just a little more fun to open than others. – © Joel M. Vernier 04/09/2022 Author of: “The Guinea Pig In The Freezer.”

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