Columns, Opinions & Misc. “View From The Comfy Chair“; Send Now

“View From The Comfy Chair“; Send Now

Joel Vernier

“The Census Makes Sense: PLEASE SEND IT IN NOW!

I was settled into my “Comfy Chair” under a light summer throw blanket, and I noticed I felt slightly chilled. This is the first sign that fall has arrived, time to swap out the summer throws, and replace them with the autumn throws. Out go the sunny beach and ocean themes, and on go the leaves and pumpkin and Halloween themes. They are a little heavier and warmer for the colder weather. The right throw blanket during different seasons makes all the difference in my naps’ quality and quantity. Winter brings out the heaviest throw blankets, and on sub-zero days, the plug-in throws that on high makes me sweat.

As I finished swapping out my throw blanket’s, I heard my wife comment, “Joel, I was cleaning in your office, and I noticed that you have not sent the Census form in. “You should have mailed that weeks ago; time is running out!” I replied, “I’m on it, I just forgot!” With everything going on, COVID, lockdowns, no sports, businesses, and restaurants closed, then limited openings, protests, riots, cities burning, pandemic waves of new outbreaks, a feeling of total uneasiness across the country has kept me a bit unfocused. On top of that, the horrific Dam breach on the 4 Lakes resulted in devastation downstream.  My heart goes out to all those affected.  With 2 lakes gone and the appropriate lowering of the other 2 lakes, as they determine what caused the breach so we can make our dams safer to prevent it from happening again.

I have owned my house on the lake for over 30 years, this summer, no lake. No water on all the four lakes resulted in a considerable revenue loss to our County businesses and soon a loss of property tax revenue. Hopefully, the lakes will be brought back safely, restoring our beautiful local lakes and bringing happiness to many people. 2020 will go down in the history books as a year to remember and hopefully not repeat.

I have managed to keep up with most things, but some things have slipped away. The Census is critical to our County. Everyone counted in the Census brings in about $18,000 over the next ten years in services to our County. Everything from our roads, hospitals, social services, health department, mental health services, Police funding, Meals on wheels, Agency on Aging, and every County service is impacted by our Census count. Businesses look at the population numbers to determine if they will come into our Community and set up shop. A friend of mine does not send in his Census because he does not like the government getting all that information. In reality, there are only a few questions to answer. By law, the Census cannot share any individual information with other agencies. Think about it if we miss 10 people, which will result in a loss of $180,000 in ten years. If we miss 100 people, that means a loss of 1,800,000 dollars, which will have a significant negative impact. If you have not completed your Census, please act to help our Community over the next 10 years. You can complete it on your computer, phone, or paper forms. If not for yourself, please do it to help others. It will result in our Community getting its fair share of federal tax dollars to help everyone in our area.

“Remember, every day is a gift! Some are just a little more fun to open than others. – © Joel M. Vernier 09/16/2020 Author of: “The Guinea Pig In The Freezer.”

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