Columns, Opinions & Misc. Forest health report shares tree pest and disease updates

Forest health report shares tree pest and disease updates

N.E.MICHIGAN – Love hiking in the forest, drizzling maple syrup on pancakes or taking photos of flowering trees in spring? Then we think you’ll appreciate learning about the work the DNR Forest Health team does to keep Michigan’s trees green and thriving. The just-released 2019 Michigan Forest Health Highlights report tracks efforts to battle insects and diseases harming our state’s trees and shares information about the threats the team is following.

“Our goal is to prevent the introduction and spread of organisms that harm Michigan’s forests,” said DNR forest health manager Sue Tangora. “The Forest Health Highlights report collects our findings, efforts and research from universities.”

The report is sent each year to the U.S. Forest Service, along with data from other states to provide a national look at forest health. Michigan articles are contributed by the DNR, other state agencies and university partners including Michigan State University and Michigan Technological University.

This year’s report highlights the battle against the hemlock woolly adelgid, a tiny, aphid-like insect that sucks the sap out of hemlock trees, and oak wilt, a disease that threatens previously healthy stands of this hardy, majestic tree species, plus the training and collaboration helping to fight these threats. Other topics include watch list species (those posing an immediate or potential threat to Michigan’s economy, environment or human health), scientific research, status of native and invasive pests and ways to report suspected invasive species.

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