Columns, Opinions & Misc. A Moment In Time

A Moment In Time

By Joel Vernier

I was snuggly sleeping in my ‘Comfy Chair’ slowly working my way up from several deep levels of REM sleep and my mind was jumping from thought to thought. Some thoughts were silly, some serious. A thought occurs in a ‘Moment in time’ and often dissipates.

My first recollection of the concept of a ‘Moment in time’ occurred while watching the Star Trek: Insurrection Movie. Picard had to slow down time allowing rescuers to save his romantic interest ‘Anij’ a Baku woman in the movie. So much of our lives both positive and negative can happen in a ‘Moment in time!’ This concept has stayed with me over the years.

It would be awesome to be able to fully retain the memory of these ‘Moments in time’ that have had such a positive impact on my life. A ‘Moment in time’ can happen in a few seconds or longer. Think of the positive moments in your past such as when you met the love of your life, when you became engaged or said you vows.

Imagine being able to relive the incredible feeling of the birth of your child. Consider all of the happiest times of your life. I would love to be able to relive spending a moment with my dogs, my mom and dad, hitting that home run, or one night I was on vacation on the Island of Kauai watching the sun set with whales blowing seawater out into the air a 100 yards from shore! Many of these ‘Moments in time’ have a lasting impact on one’ life.

I also have contemplated about some of the negative ‘Moments in time’ that if I had made a different decision, or taken a different action the outcome or incident may never have happened. In my life I have had a few car accidents ranging from totaling my Ford Galaxy 500 to hitting deer and a fender bender. I think about that ‘Moment in time’ if only I had driven slower and the deer had already run across the road, or if I drove faster, I would have seen the deer cross the road in my rear view mirror. When the intersection of time and space occur between two vehicles, an accident can happen that could be life changing, or might make some 800 Lawyers happy. I have also thought about something that I said that I would love to erase.

As we get older, the number of special ‘Moments in time’ that have impacted our lives over the years increases. There have been such moments that I believe my ‘Guardian Angel’ has interceded for me and saved me from harm. I remember when I was around 14 years old I was playing on a brick wall about seven feet high at the Royal Oak Public Library, I slipped and fell off the wall. I felt like I was slowly floating down and landed on the concrete sidewalk flat on my back, with my head, heels and everything softly landing at the same ‘Moment in time’. Several adults came running over to see if I was hurt, to their surprise, I was not. Not a scratch or bump from that incident. I think my Guardian Angel deserves a rest after protecting me many times over the years.

Take a few moments and reflect on your special ‘Moments in time.’ It is these moments that define and direct our lives. Of course some of my favorites are also when I’m taking my naps!

‘Remember, every day is a gift! Some are just a little more fun to open than others. – Joel Author of: ‘The Guinea Pig In The Freezer’. -¬ Joel M. Vernier

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