Columns, Opinions & Misc. Everyone is racist or prejudice

Everyone is racist or prejudice

Everyone is racist or prejudice.

Whether it is race, religion, hair style, clothing or even broccoli, human beings are by nature racist and prejudice. That’ just reality.

We aren’t born that way, obviously. But it becomes engrained in us through our families, life experiences, work, friends, environment, and everything negative we’ve ever been exposed to.

However, it’ also a reality that can be changed with some effort. At some point in our journey toward maturity and compassion, we all have an epiphany. The one where you know ‘something is up.’

As a child you can only ask questions. You have no ability to change anything, let alone yourself or your surroundings. But once you become an adult, your life is your own.

At that point you can either accept the fact that racism and prejudice are an ingrained part of your persona, then work to overcome them; Or, you can allow these flaws to define who you are.

But anyone who says they aren’t prejudice or racist isn’t being honest with themselves or anyone else.

And if we (as individuals) believe the United States is the melting pot … the place where great things are forged out of shards of scrap, then it’ time for each of us to look in the mirror and have that discussion.

Because this country, OUR country, won’t survive if we don’t.

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