Columns, Opinions & Misc. The Good News Cabin: Stories within a story

The Good News Cabin: Stories within a story

Welcome back to the cabin! It’s a nice, sunny day. Just the type to dip your feet in the river as it flows by. Feel the coolness against your toes!

Last time, we talked about how the Bible says God was there in the womb as we were being formed and actually guided the process. This means that God created each of us to be the way we are. It is no mistake or fluke of nature.

Well, there is another important fact we need to consider along with this, because the second affects the first. That fact is God is in control. Not us.

We like to think we are in control of our lives, but it is far less than we think. Take a look at the Book of Job or even the story of Joseph from the Book of Genesis. In those accounts we see a succession of bad things happening to these people which are out of their control.

A friend of mine has a saying which illustrates this concept. It is that each of us is like a fish in a fish bowl. Within that space, we have freedom to go where we like. God is our keeper however. He can pick up our fish bowl and move it wherever He wishes. It might be to a lighter room, a darker one, a cooler one, a warmer one. He can add to or take out what He wishes from the bowl. Who has the greater control?

And consider this: all of the accounts of people’s lives written in the Bible, while being amazing biographies themselves, are part of a far larger story. It is an epic saga, spanning generations and thousands of years. He created us for characters in His story (designed us in the womb) and we were chosen to play a part.

He chose Abraham, Moses, Joshua, the Disciples, Paul and so many others as shown in the Bible. But the story continues today. You and I are also a part of that.

Coming out of decades of depression as I have, these two facts were amazingly freeing for me. Think about it.

  1. God designed me. He created me male, with brown hair and blue eyes, a creative mind and the ability to communicate best as a writer. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says about me. All that matters is who I am in God’s eyes, not other people’s.
  2. God is in control. So, He will guide me into the type of writing He wants me to do for Him. He will bring about what needs to happen. It is up to me to walk through the doorway when He opens the door. I don’t have to be anxious about how and when things happen. All I need to do is follow Him.

What do these facts mean in your life? How did God design you? Are you trying to force things happen or are you letting God lead the way? These are questions we all need to ask ourselves.


Kurt J. Kolka is a graduate of two Christian colleges ‘ Concordia University in Ann Arbor and Anderson University in Indiana ‘ where he studied both Bible and theology, as well as journalism. Contact him regarding this column at



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