Arts & Entertainment Snow Art – Comfy Chair

Snow Art – Comfy Chair

 landscape that keeps me and my backyard in hibernation mode. With my tiger throw comfortable around the whole of me, it does not take long for my nap mode to take over. Just knowing that I am snug and warm, and a few feet away, the world is frozen, enhances my sleep enjoyment. And then it happened; the dreaded phone interrupts my magnificent nap. “Ring, Ring!

I abruptly woke up and answered the phone. It was my best friend, Bob. Usually, Bob is in relatively good spirits, but today was not a cheery day. What is it about people and the weather? Bob went on and on about how he hates winter, the cold, the snow, the ice, and everything about the January to March time frame. Today he focused, in-depth about his disdain for snow. Really now, how can one hate snow? Let’s face it after fall; the landscape needs something.

The dirty brown look, with the leaves that did not get picked up, it’s just plain bleak and depressing thinking about all of the spring clean-up thing. Imagine the same scene, with a fresh blanket of pristine white snow, and the beauty is breathtaking. Think back to the time when you were a child making snow angels, laying on your back, moving your legs and arms, giggling, and then jumping up and admiring your art. I call it “Snow Art!” I have seen snow sculptures at festival competitions, animal tracks that have their own uniqueness, and of course, God’s “Snow Art!” I have looked at evergreen trees heaped with snow clinging to the branches. Mountain peaks crusted with shimmering white drifts, and frosted windowpanes that have designs that would challenge the most creative spider web. I love to see my dogs come in the house after playing in the fresh snow covered all over with little balls of snow, and a look of delight on their faces, until I give them a command to stay off the furniture until they dry. It does not take long for them to dry, lying in front of the fireplace. I love “Snow Art” that many kids and adults create by making a snowman! They come in all different sizes, with many types of eyes, nose, and mouths. Whatever is handy is used, coal for eyes and mouth, a carrot for the nose is traditional.  But I have seen eyes made from big buttons, Tupperware lids, and noses made from a banana, zucchini, various other fruits, and vegetables. All are unique and represent the best of family times in the winter snow.

I let Bob go on for about 20 minutes, and then I suggested that he could always become a snowbird and head south for the winter. Of course, then he would call me up and complain about the heat & humidity. He hung up, a bit perplexed. As for me, I’m going outside to create some “Snow Art!” Not too sure about the snow angel, it’s a little harder to get up than it used to be!

“Remember, every day is a gift! Some are just a little more fun to open than others. – © Joel M. Vernier 12/31/2019 Author of: “The Guinea Pig In The Freezer.”


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